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सिन्धुपाल्चोक जिल्लाको जुगल गाउँ पालिका वडा नम्बर २ लिदि पहिरो पीडितहरुका लागि नेपाल तामाङ कलाकार संघको संयोजनमा १४ लाख ९४ हजार र नेपाल शेर्पा संघ को २ लाख ९० हजार गरि जम्मा १७ लाख ८४ हजार नगद सहयोग पीडितहरुको हात हातमा वितरण भएको छ।

Support for NHS from TSoUKAfter having consultations with various members of the Executive Committee, to support the NHS, TSoUK has contributed £450 …

Dear all Respected EC members ( Advisors, Lama Guru, Area Reps. and Youths) of TSoUK Phyafulla Good evening Subject: Annual General Meeting …

Dear honorable members Phyafulla On behalf of the Tamang Society of UK, it gives me a great pleasure to invite all of …

Dear all members, Lhasso phyafulla! To start off, I would like to wish all our members and families a very Happy Sonam …

Dear all, Lasso Phyaphulla One of the main aims for Tamang Society of UK is to give back to our own country …

Damphoo Sanjh 2019

Dear all Members, Family & Friends of TSoUK Phyafulla Subject: Damphu Sanjh & Charity Dinner Night 2019 We are going to have …

“Urgent and Polite reminder” Dear all Lama Guru, EC members, Advisors, Mhanipa Sangh. Members and Youth members. Phyafulla Subject: AGM Due to …

Dear all members,Lhasso phyaphulla! First of all, I would like to wish you and your family a very happy Sonam Lochhar (2855 …

thank you message from president about 2860 lhochhar