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Damphoo Sanjh 2022

तामाङ्ग सोसाईटीअफ युकेका माननिय सदस्य ज्युहरुद्वारा मेलम्ची हेलम्बु बाढी पिडित परीवारका बिध्यार्थी भाई बहिनीहरुलाई अँध्यारो  संघर्षमय जीवन बिच शिक्षाको उज्यालो प्रकाश प्रदान …

Welcome and Farewell TSoUK committee member first get-together.

Firstly, we are delighted to receive a heart-warming congratulations from the former Chairperson, Mrs Anju Yonzon Tamang.

Lhasso Phyafulla, Dear all members, I am so delighted to express my heart-warming congratulations to the newly elected Executive committee. As we …

बेलायत सरकारबाट राष्ट्रियव्यापी रूपमा जारी गरिएको निषेधाज्ञालाई पालना गर्दै 2857 लाङ् सोनाम ल्होछारको  virtual celebration आधुनिक प्रबिधिको माध्यम Zoom video Link बाट  …

A great loss of his passing away on 10 Dec. 2020, to Tamang Society and our country Nepal. Our heartfelt condolence to bereaved family.

Late Ram Bdr Lama, Condolances!

May the departed soul of Subedar Major Ram Bahadur Lama “ Rest in Peace” ‘Om Mhani Pema Hung - 108’

thank you message from president about 2860 lhochhar